JavaScript 测验#7


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今天我们正在研究 JavaScript 中的 typeof 运算符。让我们开始正事吧!假设我们有以下简短的 JavaScript 代码:

    var str = new String("Hello");
var result = typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 


问题 :警报的输出是什么,为什么?



结果将是一个 布尔值 然后是 字符串 然后是 字符串 。让我们了解为什么会得到这些结果。在第一个表达式(非常简单)中,我们有:

    var str = new String("Hello");
var result = typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 


1. str instanceof String 将返回 true
2. typeof (true) 将返回 "boolean"


    var str = new String("Hello");
var result = typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 


这将产生一个 string ,原因如下:
1. str instanceof String 将返回 true
2. typeof (true) 将返回 "boolean" 您会注意到,typeof(true) 返回一个包含“boolean”作为值的字符串。重要的是要知道 JavaScript typeof 运算符总是返回一个字符串。
3. 最后,很明显 typeof ("boolean") 将返回 "string"


    var str = new String("Hello");
var result = typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 


它类似于第二个表达式: result 将返回“string”,因为第三个表达式将按以下步骤执行:
1. str instanceof String 将返回 true
2. typeof (true) 将返回 "boolean"
3. typeof ("boolean") 将返回 "string"
3. 最后, typeof ("string") 将返回 "string"


    var str = new String("Hello");
var result = typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 

result = typeof typeof typeof(str instanceof String);
alert(result); //What is the output of the alert? 
